Fictitious Business Name
Fictitious Business Name Information
WHERE & HOW TO OBTAIN a Fictitious Business Name
Welcome to Fictitious Business Name Information Service.
You may perform a keyword search or choose an industry sector below to learn about the Assumed Name s and Assumed Business Names that a United States business may need regardless of the business location.
Most businesses are required to
comply with business Assumed Name regulations. All businesses need some
type of federal, state, county, or local permit for the business. Requirements vary by business activity and
state, county or city location but even online and home business
need a Fictitious Business Name.
Here, you will learn about every Fictitious Business Name, Assumed Name, and tax
registration from a California Fictitious Business Name to a Florida
Fictitious Business Name as well as all the other states in U.S.
Whether you want to start a business in a retail location, office or run a business from home, you need to submit the right forms to meet each state's requirements.
Provide information about the kind of business you want to form. You will find out: 1) if you need to apply for a Fictitious Business Name, and 2) what Fictitious Business Name forms you need to complete.